
Marketplace for Spain
Caseroo is a marketplace website designed for Spanish-speaking users. Our challenge was to redesign the site and add new functionality that would allow owners to monetize it and attract the target audience. As a result, the site received positive feedback from users.
Dig Local
Our story is one of those where the stars aligned and things fell into place. In 2013, an unlikely group of strangers with different backgrounds came together at a Startup Weekend competition in Asheville, NC. Ted and Flori Pate, with two small kids and lab, Ruby, had recently moved to Asheville. They were working corporate marketing jobs when out of the blue they both got laid off. On a suggestion from a friend, Ted went to the startup competition. His background in strategic marketing, combined with his frustrations with corporate America, meshed seamlessly with his team of new acquaintances and gave birth to the idea for Dig Local.The concept of Dig Local won first place and the rest, as they say, is history.Well, it wasn’t quite as smooth as it may seem, but after lots of blood, sweat, and beers, Dig Local continues to level the playing field for local businesses in today’s cluttered marketplace. As many cities are quickly becoming Anywhere, USA, and losing their identity, Dig Local fights back by showcasing only the local places run by folks who, like Ted and Flori, took a leap of faith to start their own thing. People who use the Dig Local app and website are connected to a one-of-a-kind experience every time, making it easier than ever to support local. Dig Local. Find authentiCity.

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